Saturday, August 3, 2013

Kid Free Day

First of all, my genius plan to conquer the blogging world with my day by day documentation of our magnificent summer didn't pan out as I had hoped - I blame reality, and some days the kids, LOL! 

Anyhow, today was one of those very rare moments in my adult life where a friend randomly asks to take our kids (yes, that's plural) for the entire day (yes, that's entire day) to spend at Disneyland. 

And really, who am I to get in the way of children's happiness? 

By lunch time, hubby and I were beside ourselves. We haven't been alone at home since the kids got out for Summer, where we weren't swamped with work or had any appointments. 

It took us about 15 minutes to figure out what to do with our day, it's not hard to find relaxing things to do with your significant other if given a chance. And this was definitely a chance we were shamelessly willing to take advantage of. And boy did we. 

We headed out to the valley and got relaxing hour and a half Thai massages - something we've been wanting to do together since the mad rush of Wedding Season.The knots and muscle spasms that develop when constantly on the go is astonishing, but we love what we do! The massages were rejuvenating - as my husband expressed as he stared at me happily when I was done getting ready. 

We drove out to my favorite restaurant that I normally only go to with my best friend, I figured it was time to finally let the hubby try this place out fresh rather than the 6 hour old leftovers or take out that I pick up for him when I do go. Sam Woo is my most favorite Chinese Restaurant in the valley, we ordered all of my favorite dishes and when hubby got to try it, he was so happy. And he jokingly said, "so this is what you and your Beh do? I'm so jealous!" Hahaha! Yes, my best friend and I go out once in a while  (well we try) and get massages, eat without shame, and shop. It's the life for even a couple of hours once in a while when the kids are at school. 

After our gluttonous feast, we put all of our leftovers - yeah, you don't think hubby and I can actually finish 5 entrees did you? - and headed into the Asian Market next door. We don't have any worthy Asian Markets in our area, so driving out about 30 minutes into an area with an abundance of Asian Markets and Restaurants is a blessing we're willing to take our time to explore.  

Thank goodness we ate before heading into the store, Our cart was half full by the time we checked out, I can't imagine how full it would have been if we went in there hungry, haha! 

We ended up getting a lot of snacks, Korean BBQ meats, and Asian novelty snacks.  I'm telling you it was pretty much Christmas Morning for hubby and I.  My favorite snag of course were the Melon Ice Cream Bars and the $2.99/lb bag of fresh Lychee. 

When we got home, we took a long 2 hour glorious nap. Well I did, hubby opted to take a 30 minute cat nap and watch some TV and play video games - you know typical things husbands do on a free day, LOL! 

It's the simple things I tell you that, bring joy and relaxation to my life. And though I've enjoyed this rare day of relaxation I do miss my boys. They aren't home yet, but I just got a text saying that they are on their way home.  The house seems empty and lonely, hubby and I feel like the silence is deafening, and we've even ran out of things to talk about - Isn't that funny though? When the kids are around it takes about 10 times longer to get one topic done with, but when the kids aren't around we have a good conversation in a span of 15 minutes  and what seemed of utter importance suddenly isn't as urgent once said out loud. 

 Anyways, we're thankful for great friends and for well behaved children.

Can't wait to hold my boogers. I've missed them.


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