Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Summer Sets In... Okay Not Really.

Happy Hump Day! 

I love that we had a short week this week, the week is almost over and I'm so looking forward to the little mini vacay hubby and I are going to this weekend while my awesome brother and sister watch the boys.  

School is going excruciating slow for the kids, but the boys are excited about all of the end of the year activities planned.  Mostly, the fact that there will be no homework the last two weeks of school. I don't know how many times Brandon, Daniel, and Matthew told me about this magnificent news when I asked them how school was today, HA! 

As Memorial Day came and went, the boys are having a tougher time getting up in the morning and keeping motivated while in school. Homework time has now turned into play time and the amount of effort they (and sometimes I) put in is embarrassing.

As one of my friends on Facebook said, summer should start right after Memorial Day. And I couldn't agree any more.  

I am excited for the Summer though, I can't wait for the BBQ's, the family trips, and quality time I'm going to be able to spend with boys each and every day. I love planning the entire Summer with activities, it just seems more fun when things are organized and in order. I never have to worry about how I'm going to entertain the kids and when I'm going to have down time. Like I said I'm super excited. 

But for today, the laundry is going and the boys are enjoying some outdoor fun with their friends before having to come in.   Warmer weather means more fun outside!


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